About Us

Last Updated : November 22, 2023

Likes.io started in 2011 and has been offering great services for social media ever since. For over ten years, we've been helping you grow your social media accounts.

We offer likes, followers, comments, shares, and many other services for your social media. Our range of services is very wide. We work with all social media platforms, so you don't need to go anywhere else for different platform needs. Plus, we have live support to give you the best experience.

What services do we offer?

We offer a variety of services for all social media platforms, including:

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • YouTube

  • TikTok

  • Spotify

  • SoundCloud

  • Twitch

  • Threads

We cover many platforms and keep adding new services and platforms to keep up with trends.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to our live support.

Providing a wide range of social media services.

At Likes.io, we concentrate on areas where technology, innovation, and investment can create lasting value and promote economic growth.